Archive for the ‘2006 Maths’ Category

FREE Download: 2006 Math Methods Trial Examination 2 Solutions

Monday, October 13th, 2008

FREE Download: 2006 Mathematical Methods Trial Examination 2 Solutions – PDF 135KB

FREE Download: 2006 Math Methods Trial Examination 2

Monday, October 13th, 2008

FREE Download: 2006 Mathematical Methods Trial Examination 2 – PDF 176KB

FREE Download: 2006 Math Methods Trial Examination 1 Solutions

Monday, October 13th, 2008

FREE Download: 2006 Mathematical Methods Trial Examination 1 Solutions – PDF 56KB

Note: Thanks to Khuzair Rehan for pointing out an error in Q4b. The correct domain of h(x) is [0, 4pi].

FREE Download: 2006 Math Methods Trial Examination 1

Monday, October 13th, 2008

FREE Download: 2006 Mathematical Methods Trial Examination 1 – PDF 64KB

FREE Download: 2006 VCAA Math Methods Sample Examination 2 Solutions

Monday, October 13th, 2008

FREE Download: 2006 VCAA Math Methods Sample Examination 2 Solutions – PDF 130KB
NOTE: Thanks to Dean Corp for pointing out that the correct answer for multiple choice question 5, 2006 VCAA Math Methods Sample Exam 2, is D (-1.45).
NOTE: Thanks to Tristan Vanyai for pointing out that the correct solution to Q1e is ‘h is greater than or equal to 1, but less than 2?.

FREE Download: 2006 VCAA Math Methods Sample Examination 1 Solutions

Monday, October 13th, 2008

FREE Download: 2006 VCAA Math Methods Sample Examination 1 Solutions – PDF 110KB
NOTE: Thanks to Salvatore and Claire for pointing out that the correct answer for question 5b is b = -0.5.

FREE Download: 2006 VCAA Specialist Mathematics Sample Examination 2 Solutions

Monday, October 13th, 2008

FREE Download: 2006 VCAA Specialist Mathematics Sample Examination 2 Solutions – PDF 148KB

Thanks to Matt Farrugia for pointing out a rounding error. The very last answer should be 661 instead of 660.

FREE Download: 2006 VCAA Specialist Mathematics Sample Examination 1 Solutions

Monday, October 13th, 2008

FREE Download: 2006 VCAA Specialist Mathematics Sample Examination 1 Solutions – PDF 111KB
NOTE: Thanks to Sandeep Rakhra for pointing out that the correct answer for question 9d is

FREE Download: 2006 NSW BOS General Mathematics Solutions

Monday, October 13th, 2008

FREE Download: NSW BOS General Mathematics Solutions – PDF doc 131KB

FREE Download: 2006 NSW BOS Mathematics Solutions

Monday, October 13th, 2008

FREE Download: NSW BOS Mathematics Solutions – PDF doc 155KB

Thanks to Patrick He for pointing out that in question 4. a) iii) finding the area of the sector BCD, it should be 3root3 squared instead of 3 squared.