Archive for the ‘2013 Maths’ Category

FREE Download: 2013 VCAA Specialist Mathematics Examination 2 Solutions

Friday, November 29th, 2013

FREE Download: 2013 VCAA Specialist Mathematics Exam 2 Solutions – PDF 167KB

FREE Download: 2013 VCAA Specialist Mathematics Examination 1 Solutions

Friday, November 29th, 2013

FREE Download: 2013 VCAA Specialist Mathematics Exam 1 Solutions – PDF 62KB

FREE Download: 2013 VCAA Further Mathematics Examination 2 Solutions

Friday, November 29th, 2013

FREE Download: 2013 VCAA Further Mathematics Exam 2 Solutions – PDF 241KB

Thanks to James Gascard for pointing out the answer to question 2a)ii) on module 6 (matrices) is incorrect.

VCAA show a different answer in their examination report.

FREE Download: 2013 VCAA Further Mathematics Examination 1 Solutions

Friday, November 29th, 2013

FREE Download: 2013 VCAA Further Mathematics Exam 1 Solutions – PDF 71KB

Thanks to Michael Sheedy for pointing out an error in the working out of Networks Q5.

Thanks to Anna Hope for pointing out the solution for Module 6, Question 7 should read “divided by 15”, not by 45.

FREE Download: 2013 VCAA Mathematical Methods CAS Examination 2 Solutions

Friday, November 29th, 2013

FREE Download: 2013 VCAA Mathematical Methods CAS Exam 2 Solutions – PDF 93KB

Thanks to Josh Varcoe for pointing out a mistake in section 2 question 1c: The exam asks for the smallest value of t, .:  t = 8/3 is the only answer.

FREE Download: 2013 VCAA Mathematical Methods CAS Examination 1 Solutions

Friday, November 29th, 2013

FREE Download: 2013 VCAA Mathematical Methods CAS Exam 1 Solutions – PDF 50KB

Thanks to Matthew La for pointing out a typo in Q 10b:

It should be e^(-x/5) instead of e^(-x/2).

FREE Download: 2013 NSW BOS Mathematics Extension 1 Solutions

Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

FREE Download: 2013 NSW BOS Mathematics Extension 1 Solutions – PDF 99KB

Sincere thanks to Lyn Harris for vetting the solutions.

FREE Download: 2013 NSW BOS General Mathematics Solutions

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

FREE Download: 2013 NSW BOS General Mathematics Solutions – PDF 82KB

Thanks to Lyn Harris for vetting the solutions.

FREE Download: 2013 NSW BOS Mathematics Solutions

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

FREE Download: 2013 NSW BOS Mathematics Solutions – PDF 117KB

Thanks to Lyn Harris for pointing out the following:

In question 15 part c (ii) there is an additional case to consider. If the line y=mx+1 passes through the point (1.5,0), then m=-2/3; also m = or > 2 instead of just m > 2.

FREE Download: 2013 NSW BOS Mathematics Extension 2 Solutions

Saturday, November 2nd, 2013

FREE Download: 2013 NSW BOS Mathematics Extension 2 Solutions – PDF 146KB