Archive for the ‘NSW’ Category

FREE Download: 2011 NSW BOS Mathematics Extension 2 Solutions

Monday, December 19th, 2011

FREE Download: 2011 NSW BOS Mathematics Extension 2 Solutions – PDF 118KB

FREE Download: 2011 Specialist Mathematics Trial Examination 1 Solutions

Monday, July 4th, 2011

FREE Download: 2011 Specialist Mathematics Trial Exam 1 Solutions – PDF 92KB

Thanks to Ayush Kumar for pointing out an incorrect graph in Q6b. A revised version is posted.

FREE Download: 2010 NSW BOS General Mathematics Solutions

Sunday, May 8th, 2011

FREE Download: 2010 NSW BOS General Mathematics Solutions – PDF 70KB

FREE Download: 2010 NSW BOS Mathematics Extension 1 Solutions

Friday, December 10th, 2010

FREE Download: 2010 NSW BOS Mathematics Extension 1 Solutions – PDF 91KB

FREE Download: 2010 NSW BOS Mathematics Solutions

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

FREE Download: 2010 NSW BOS Mathematics Solutions – PDF 87KB

Thanks to Greg Campbell of Think Tutoring for pointing out an error in Q2a, in which the quotient rule has been applied incorrectly. This has now been rectified.

Thanks to Mathematics tutor Lynette Harris for pointing out errors in Q2d and Q4aiii, which have now been corrected.

FREE Download: 2010 NSW BOS Mathematics Extension 2 Solutions

Monday, December 6th, 2010

FREE Download: 2010 NSW BOS Mathematics Extension 2 Solutions – PDF 140KB

FREE Download: 2009 NSW BOS Mathematics Extension 1 Solutions

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

FREE Download: 2009 NSW BOS Mathematics Extension 1 Solutions – PDF 83KB

FREE Download: 2009 NSW BOS Mathematics Solutions

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009

FREE Download: 2009 NSW BOS Mathematics Solutions – PDF 78KB

FREE Download: 2009 NSW BOS General Mathematics Solutions

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

FREE Download: 2009 NSW BOS General Mathematics Solutions – PDF 68KB

Thanks to Sue Gilbert for pointing out that the correct solution to 2009 Q 27c is:
Mary has the better chance.
For Jane, Pr(wins at least one) = 1 – Pr(wins none) = 1 – (0.99)(0.99) = 0.0199.

FREE Download: 2009 NSW BOS Mathematics Extension 2 Solutions

Sunday, November 1st, 2009

FREE Download: 2009 NSW BOS Mathematics Extension 2 Solutions – PDF 104KB


Thanks to Richard Hoang for pointing out that in Q3aiii the sharp point at x = 0 should be a local minimum turning point, and the maxima should be closer to x = +/- 2 than 0.

Thanks to Andrew Badawy for pointing out that Question 2d asked for arg(z-1) in [-pi/4, pi/4], but arg(z) in [-pi/4, pi/4] was sketched.